Maret 02, 2015

bagiku kau adalah teman terbaik

Hari hari yg akan kulalui,adlh hari2 tanpamu. Ak tahu,it sounds crazy,thinking that youll still be here,have nice chat,and that you wont go for i cant meet you everyday.ak hany puny banyk kenangan skrg, meski hari2 kmrn yg ak rasakan adlh mcm2,kadang senang,kadang ada rasa marah dan kesal jg pdmu, namun jika saat ini kusadari kau akan pergi,baru ak merasa,im gonna miss you,im gonna need to talk with you,in any topics,and i really feel that we have very much thing in common.sblm smua mjd kenangan, ak ingin bilang pdmu,bahwa jauh d dlm hati ak berdoa,agar kau ktm dgn org yg akan mengisi hatimu.ak dl jg melalui proses dikenalkan org lain,jd blm kesaur utangku jk ak tdk mengenalkan org lain jg,smp jadian.ak sll berharap itu km,,,
Ingat kan,hidup itu spt sekaleng biskuit?kuharap km g melulu menyesali biskuit yg sdh km ambil.ingat,di dlm kaleng pasti msh ada yg enak kok.jika km merasa biskuit yg barusan km ambil itu biskuit yg g enak.
Every now and then
We find a special friend
Who never lets us down
Who understands it all
Reaches out each time you fall
You're the best friend that I've found 
I know you can't stay
A part of you will never ever go away
Your heart will stay 
I'll make a wish for you
And hope it will come true
That life would just be kind
To such a gentle mind If you lose your way
Think back on yesterday
Remember me this way
Remember me this way 
I don't need eyes to see
The love you bring to me
No matter where I go
And I know that you'll be there
Forever more a part of me,
you're everywhere I'll always care 
And I'll be right behind your shoulder watching you
I'll be standing by your side and all you do
And I won't ever leave
As long as you believe
You just believe 
I'll make a wish for you
And hope it will come true
That life would just be kind
To such a gentle mind If you lose your way
Think back on yesterday
Remember me this way
Remember me this way

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